On December 20th, a true Christmas miracle took place at our community center!
On the eve of the New Year, we came together to create something truly extraordinary – an authentic Ukrainian Christmas! The evening was filled with warmth, sincerity, and the feeling that we are one big family.
The highlight of the celebration was a masterclass on scarf-tying, where everyone had the chance to feel like a true Ukrainian lady of the 18th century. Our heartfelt thanks go to Liya Khoma for sharing her expertise and knowledge with all the participants.
A special thank you to our talented performers who created a magical atmosphere that evening. You are the best, and your performances were the true highlight of the celebration!
We are also deeply grateful to every guest who joined us for this cozy event. Your presence made the celebration unforgettable and truly familial.
We would like to extend our gratitude to the Brussels-Capital Region for their strong support of the Ukrainian community in Belgium.
A big thank you to Viktor Raisky for the stunning photos that captured these beautiful moments.
This is just the beginning – there is so much more inspiration, beauty, and shared experiences ahead. Thank you for being with us!