Ukraine Voices Refugee Committee (UV-RC) began collective shelter activities in August 2022 with the opening of shelter for the Beneficiary of Temporary Protection in Brussels.
Our shelters provide essential temporary solutions for refugees, with plans to transition residents to the Belgian housing market or to more comprehensive shelter facilities managed by Fedasil. These shelters also serve as active hubs for information dissemination and support services, facilitated by mobile refugee teams that assist residents in their integration processes within Brussels and throughout Belgium.
Onsite, we offer a variety of social and personal support activities, including educational initiatives such as language courses, all coordinated through the UV Community Center. Residents receive vital information on numerous topics to ensure they understand their rights, including employment, social benefits, residency and documentation, children’s education, and healthcare.
We are committed to fostering integration, solidarity, and a safe communal living environment among shelter residents, prioritizing their overall well-being. Additionally, we work proactively to mediate conflicts as needed, ensuring a harmonious community for everyone.